Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Final Whisper

Insanity, my friends, is an asset. Always.

The Weathered Days

Petals dance away in the wind, stems however shall stay. The soil floats and rock remains. Seconds pass, minutes die... until dead weight is all that's left. 

The Manufacturers of the Heart

"Come right away! It broke again!" Someone called out to me.
"Alright," I panted, " I'm here, what's the problem?"
"It's falling apart. We lost even more pieces!" They cried and cried.
"Have you tried the tapes?" I pondered, "The glues? The strings and knots?"
"Yes, none have even remotely helped" they sighed.
"Well, what about love?" I asked in pure curiosity.
"LOVE?!" They gasped, "What could that do?"
"If it can break it, maybe it has the power to fix it," I answered compassionately.
"I'm not sure it will work that way. Goodbye. I'll call someone else," They scoffed.
That very night they died away, from the very thing I suggested; a lack of love.

The Power of Friends

Written by a friend:

The power is strong because friends can help get you through tough times and will be there through good and bad. And they will always care about you. Cherish your friendships cause friends are important when you need someone to talk to. Always love your friends.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Missing Exclamation Marks

Stay out of my life. Don't tell me that you know me, I've never told you anything. You say you love me, but you don't have a clue what love is. Just go away. I don't care about you. 

The Eventual Left Behind

Petals drift away in the wind, leaving stems far behind. Leaves dance far and wide, trees left in the dirt. You running, forgetting me with your evil friends. 

The Blizzard is Coming

Time shall pass and days shall die away. Nothing, is going to go down in flames however it will immortalize us in ice. Prepare yourself for the freezing winds and the avalanche of snow coming down. I wish you luck and bid you farewell. Goodbye. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Sick Leave Possible

Not feelin' so hot lately. Don't think my works will be so great either. I'll return again, someday. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Most Important Thing I will Ever Write

I have decided I are stealing the United Stares... Oh and India. they now reside in my mothers rented house. You all needs to come home as soon as possible. We love and we miss you. 

The most amazing girl you will meet. 

P.S. I love you guys all SOO much.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The World's Cleanser

Cry. It's okay. I'll wipe away tears. I'll hold you tight. I'll be there. When you open your eyes the world will be a much more beautiful place, I promise. I've been there. It's okay. 

The Answer

Love may not be your first choice, but it is by far the most powerful choice to get anything done. 

The Seasonally Dances we Shared

Dance with me tonight, like we used to do under the moon after sneaking out in the summer time. Dance with me, hold me close, like we did on those cool September days after school in the park. Dance with me, keep me warm, like we loved in the winters snowy mornings when school was canceled. Dance with me, kiss me as the sun comes up like we did in the early spring out in the meadows. Dance with me, one last time, please...

The Places of Pure Hope

As I stand at the water's edge, the warm sand packed between my toes, I look out as far as I can, hopping that you are doing the same thinking of me thinking of you. The moon is just barely above the ocean, we are standing in the only two places negativity can never touch. Because I know one day soon, when things are ready, I will come home and so will you. I miss you, but the serenity  reminds me you are still alright. I hope you have a great night and know with all your heart that I will forever love you. 

The Lost Voices

Time says HI-Bye. Destiny gives the whole plan. Death welcomes but never bids adue. Everyone talks to us, except for you... 

The Thoughts of the Inevitable

Should I have to ever feel true pain, I hope that it's making you happy, because if anyone deserves to kill this heart, it's defiantly you

The Hope to Change Lives

The girls with the prettiest smiles are the girls with the fake ones. The people with the most beautiful eyes are the ones that have cried the most tears. The people with the kindest hearts are the ones that have been hurt the most. So should you see a person like this smile, it could really make their day. Besides, you never know who is falling in love with your smile at the same time. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Harsh Truth

Not even all the depressing words in exisistance could describe how much I loathe you.
Not even all the pain in the world could give you a glimpse of how you made me feel.
Not even I could hurt another in such a way.
Not even this is close to how others feel everyday

The City's now a Village

Without you around the sun is farther, this city us colder and I am seconds away from being buried in ice. Hopefully the sun followed you too and you are warm, just like before.

The Replacement

Please try making cupcakes instead of war.

The Sticky Note on the Fridge

Lately, I'm not saying the things I should be saying. I'm not writing the things I usually write. I'll be back to normal, soon, I hope...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Icy Days

I love you like I love true snow. I'm seconds away from being frozen in a block of ice. But as long as you are happy, I'll die any way you please.

The Meaningless Words

Meep! Should you ever need something MEEP! to say, then say MEEP!!!!

The Train was Early

Everyone is on the last train going home. Everybody except me, that is. Everyone is waiting for you, did you miss the last train too?

The End is Coming Soon For us

The whole world wants you to know we're sorry that you only have us to look at, when you are the most beautiful person alive. We wand you to know when war kills us all we will thank you for all the times you kept us safe. We also want to say that if any of us deserve happiness, it's you. We love you. We thank you. We will miss you. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Whispers in the Dark

You have my heart and soul, you probably don't know it and you probably won't believe it, but I love you...

The Photo Album Hidden Under the Bed

As it rains memories of you fade. Watch the lightning dance our actions remain. Hear the thunder pound away we went, never to be found. I hope your clouds move soon, I hope you're happy now. Storms here aren't fun anymore...

The Statued Stereotypes

Time sat down and twiddled his thumbs. Death gave life back to you. Destiny fought and gave up. Love started this war. Hate begged for peace. I realized I would live forever, and so would you.

The Honesty of Perfection

The television went off
The children stopped in mid laugh
The mothers sat drinking lemonade
The fathers ran out of gas on their way home
The dogs crawled under the bed
The cats lept off the counter
The fire between us burned bright
You stood beside me and held tight
I kissed you and the world stood still,
as we danced in perfection

The Frozen Bodies

If anyone deserved to break this heart, the only person I'd want to, is you. 

The Rain Falling For All but One

Hell is having everything youve ever wanted. Heaven is having the pain you need. Love you or hate you dont care, you are still the most wonderful person alive

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Honest Tears

One day my soul just opened up, I laughed so hard I made myself cry. I hope one day your soul will open up and you experience true joy too. 

The Midnight Angel

My Midnight Angel, protection even in the darkest of times. Hope when all is lost. Faith when it seems there is none. Perhaps the only serenity some can grasp. Wrong or right, you do not care. Have I reached insanity yet, or do I still have time before they drag me to my pointless, merciless death.

Tell me that I am yours and you are mine.

My Midnight Angel, wish me luck as this will be the last chance I have to bid you a due. 

The Starlight

Starlight, star bright, who's the strongest tonight? There's a war coming, I can feel their guns loading and their metal melting. Now I call on you, for a favor. Protect those who have done no harm. Guide those who ask you to. Mind those above you, as always. Starlight, star bright, heal us all tonight. Give us hope. Show us love. Prove none are bad. 

The Coming Dawn

Perhaps a new dawn will inspire a new thought, and perhaps a new faith as well. In fact, with each new dawn each of the hopeless souls' deepest void is filled. Those with power deem us weak, one dawn we shall deem them powerless. One dawn with great pleasure, I will announce that a perfect unrequited beauty has been brought to this Earth to inspire us all. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Words are Paint

Artists use paint and canvass.
Dancers use themselves and notes or beats.
Fighters use strength but rarely ever thought.
You use lies and a mask.
I use words, my heart, and an eternal soul.
Together we create the masterpiece of life.

He smashed his guitar.
She snapped her pencil.
They shredded their uniforms.
I broke my heart.
We all made mistakes.

Nobody is God,
but we all are.
Nobody is perfect,
but we can be.

The Children Need To Read This

I know I'm not the kind of person to speak out when people are around, but I'm on fire now. You need to listen. Science is important. Kids need to learn about the earth and molecules, they need to experiment and see things happen. English is great, reading will strengthen us. Math will broaden our horizons and make everyday life easier. History is important so we don't make the same mistakes others did. People don't get it though, they teach to a stupid test not to life. So I hope that you will teach others what you can, or at least remind them to try new things and live their own life; not someone else's. Have fun. Love. Be  Unique. And always remember its okay to color outside of the lines too. Life isn't meant to be a blur. Its not always about a test either, open your eyes and let someone teach you what really matters.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Pleasant Reminder

Try again, please. They didnt mean to do it. Everybody deserves a second chance. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Day Before You Died

Somebody told me that you are being held at gunpoint tomorrow. 
Somebody said there was no chance of you surviving.
Somebody laughed that they were finally getting revenge.
Somebody scoffed when they heard.
Somebody close to you took a knife and killed herself.
Somebody else buried her in your name.
Somebody mourned her death because it was a joke.
Somebody told me that you were going to die tomorrow.