Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Contadictions Are Alive

If theres one thing i hate its going to,school.

If there one thing i hate its uneducated people.

If theres one thing i hate its people driving places so close they could walk.

If theres one thing i hate its walking.

If theres one thing i hate its missing one puzzle piece.

If theres one thing i hate its puzzles.

If theres one thing i hate its never going to be you.

If theres one thing i hate its me.

If theres one thing i hate its people who wont say sorry.

If theres one thing i hate its being sorry.

But i am... I am sorry

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Confidence

There is nothing more attractive than confidence, once you see your own beauty, so will everyone else.    Remember this.

The silence of forever

Even when there are no words left to express yourself and no music playing on that thing we once called a radio, there will not be silence. Sobs will still be heard late at night when words have failed another. The angels singing at sunrise will only get louder for you. And even when this planet is oblivious silence of forever will still not exist.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Giggles

Bubbles of happiness rise to the surface and fight to escape. Please dont surpress them anymore.

The Exam

What does fire represent?

A) an ending            B) detest
C) passion                D) pain
               E) nothing

The Gaurdians

Children have heard stories about dragons gaurding castles and fighting wars along side magicians. Most parents call it garbage. Rubbish. But for all those who can read this, the dragons are awake and they are on their way home.

The Ice Cubes

If you never try to be happy, your heart will turn to ice and your soul will turn to stone. Then you'll die sooner knowing for you chances of love are impossible.

The Ash Above Us

Who are we now? What have we let our world become? Where is this headed now? When did we let go? Why wont anybody help stop it?

One day itll be worse than this with black smokey skies day and might. I can already see the homeless men in the streets screaming, "look what you've done to my air!"

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Thunderbolt

I guess mighty Zeus is angry. Come over, please, we'll watch a movie and stay warm too.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Cycles

Sometimes things won't go my way and they wont go your's either. Sometimes people fight; some make up, others won't. Sometimes we change and our friends are left behind. But that's life, that's how things go here. That's what today was across the board... 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Black Nights

Nothing bad happens unless you allow it to. Please stop letting the universe tear you down.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Last Phone Call

I see you every single day, I talk to you more than I should, and I kinda fell down the well last night. They say you fell a few years ago but won't let yourself go down again. Well, could you please throw me the rope at least? 

The Pictures and Concerts Remind me of You

I just want to say, I hope youll have an excellent day today. If it werent for you, I would have never learned what happiness is.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Days Messed You Up

So the past is incapable of ruining the present and far from messing with the future. Don't worry, babe, you'll make it out alive.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Day I Turned My Back

I always should have known you'd be the one to shoot me down. I always should have kept my distance. I never should have kissed you. Knives don't belong in hearts. Swords dont belong in vortexes. And I learned this the hard way...

The Forgotten Typewriters

All you do is sit down and open a vein. You pour your heart and soul out. You regret it. Then erase it. This, well, this is your last vein. This is your last chance. You cant erase this one...

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Clouds Will Pass

Things will happen that we don't always want. But I guess thats just part of life. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Dogs Outside the Back Door

And if my soul could cry, trust me, it would drown. Should my heart learn to scream, I promise it would keep the whole world awake. I'm sure if yours could too, it would. I'm not the only one who feels this pain. Of that, I'm sure.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The dripping ice

Sometimes youre ignorant. Sometimes you dont get it. And sometimes youre the biggest idiot on the planet. But somehow Im always glad to realize youre also funny, and cute, and smart. So thank you, for being real.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Things People Forget

I write the love letters never sent. You type the messages never seen. One day we'll plan the wedding we'll never have.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Adventure Awaiting

Last night I found an old map in the basement. Meet me in the park Friday after school, let's see where this baby leads. Oh and I know we fought last night, I'm sorry. I'll make that up to you, I promise. I know I messed up. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Notice at the County Jail

Even if you have walked in my shoes, you have no right to judge me. Please stop your failing attempts as soon as possible. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Attempted Warnings Failed

I don't know what else I'm supposed to say, but people keep saying I need to let you go. They say you don't really love me, that I don't really know you. Well, do I need to stop? Are you unhappy? 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Appreciation

I appreciate you
I appreciate my family
I appreciate words
I appreciate the so called "strangers"
I appreciate life just as it is

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Truest Truth

I don't want fame and I don't want fortune, I just want you to know this is all for you. Names are never told, so out secrets are only ours to hold. The entire world may read these words, but none will understand the intensity of each one as you will.

I love you.

I miss you.

I hope you're happy. 

The First Time I'll Beg You

Meet me at the forest's edge tonight at dusk. Bring nothing but a light heart and an adventurer's spirit. 

The Great Wall of China

You have the longest, thickest, wall in the entire world guarding your heart. I am going to get around that, someday

The Butterfly Effect

One microscopic complement can change a person. So imagine the effect unconditional love could have on all of us

Thank you