Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Understanding

Right Now you aren't yourself, and that's okay because really, nobody is. You see right before a new year we all die a little bit so that we can be "reborn" with new chances and a fresh canvass. You have exactly one year from today to create a masterpiece for us to display at the next big art show. Who are you going to be this time? 

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Vines Tangle Everything

I know you weren't there when the soldiers flood into town warning us all to run from the hate and pain we caused the world. I know you didn't hear the way children screamed and babies cried at the first glance of the red blood streaming in. I know you really aren't missing much. But I just thought you deserved a final fair well in case Time took me and passed me on to Death tonight as I lose myself in the middle of Sorrow’s crossfire against the End.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Ticket in Your Hand

So until next time, I just want you to know that no one else makes me so happy.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

the Shared Heart

Even though I'm not there and you are not here. Even though I don't know what is going on anymore. Even though something is always missing and I know what it is, I won't say it. I still know exactly how you feel. And if I were you. If I were feeling so alone it would help to know that someone else out there feels the same way. And if that is difficult for you to imagine, just look at me here, I am just as alone as you feel.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Gone for A While

Its so hard to enjoy the day and all ots beauty while knowing you are somewhere far away and alone in the crowd of family you love but dont love at the same time...

If you find this, merry Christmas... smile...?

I miss you, I miss you, I really really miss you...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Cross Eyed Lovers

You and I we're poprocks and coke. The world and everyone else in it, well, they are all just vinegar and water. No wonder they don't understand this hope we share. Now tell me, Love, which would you rather be?

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Rough Draft

I know you read everything I write and search for my newest works of art every single day. You know the quotes I love to quote, the songs I often reference, the titles of everything I've ever read. You know that it's all for you because when you find it butterflies dance in your stomach and you know and understand exactly how I feel. You know that someday you will do something bigger and better than anything I ever could all for one person (you hope it will be me) that will make them feel the way you do right now as you sit here reading this sentence. And don't worry, I l know you feel what I feel. I know it is there somewhere, but you can't tell me. Not just yet, anyway.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Paper is the World

We used to stencil drawings on each other as holidays and birthdays neared. After all works of art had to be presented to family members and strange guests as flood our house as tiny and cramped as it was. And you always were the one that looked best, not because of my awkward dancing doodles but because of the beauty you already had before they began ringing that ever sweet chime at the door for mother and father to hear. I was fine with it growing up, they were kind enough to treat us both well, but as our memories hold those moments now there was always something special about you. Perhaps it was the sparkle in your eye as you talked or maybe the stenciled smile everyone always envied. But either way I miss those mornings and all our girly fun. Wherever you are, please tell me you have not forgotten those times so easily.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Reason For Airports

I could stand here for hours looking for something that does not remind me of you. But I would not find anything. It's like nothing ever happened. It's like you were part of everything I ever did. Sometimes I think you were only a dream. Others I know you were so much more than that. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Empty Lobby

If you ever need anything just ask me. Anything at all. Right now I am on my way back with the painted sky and the melodic waves; do you want some coffee while I am out?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The War's End

And now when I talk about you I refer to you as the one with too tan skin and a smile that fixes everything. It's just that your name hurts so many people here, now that you are gone. I don't know if you realize what you did to us or not, but either way you will  not be allowed back without much thought, deliberation, and apology. Goodbye.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Ballet Shoes, Butterfies, and Music Notes

You go through each and every day with emotional grace. Deciding what's worth your time and what's not. Every day you grow and change just a little bit more. You create and destroy with every action and every thought. I just want you to know this and remember it. Always.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Angels Walk Among Us

I promised you I would never leave and I kept that promise even if you can't see me. There are thousands of others who promised the same, they asked me to make sure that the rest of the world knows that they are still beside their loved ones always. You have no idea how much we love you.