Monday, January 9, 2012

The Rose Story

Once upon a time, there was a boy.
He went for a walk through the forest.
His name was Nick and he was always representing joy.
Well, it began to rain, so he stopped under a large tree,
He looked across the path and there was a plain
Little flower, standing on its own. It was beautiful,
But it couldn't with stand the weight of the rain.
So he went over and plucked it from the bare soil,
He thought it would be a perfect gift for the girl of his heart.
Her name was Rose, and she loved him too,
Nick thought if he gave her the flower, they would never part
So in the rain, with the flower grasped tight,
Our dear friend ran, through the forest and back to town.
He ran faster than a cheetah and his breath was heavy,
When he arrived at Rose's house he fell down.
Rose helped him up, and he handed her the flower,
She said it was beautiful and she would forever keep it.
As soon as she got the flower in her hand she pricked
Her finger, and died, because she had a secret.
She gave her heart to two boys.
When she pricked her finger the flower turned red,
Nick decided to name the flower a rose after his girl.
Just as Nick was leaving the other boy entered.
They talked and explained their stories,
In the end the were friends and they were disappointed.
But Rose was gone so they were happy,
To an extent. And thus our story has come to an end.

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