Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Scene for the Silver Screen

All of your friends are in your head because all your life the real people have told you that you aren't good enough for them. I know how you feel, I am the exact same way, so if you want I'll be the ghost haunting you and you can be the shadow following me. That way neither of us have to be alone again,” She whispered to the statue at the gate of Lilac Cemetery every single time she passed. Then she walks straight to the headstone of Andrew Montgomery, an old friend of hers who died of suicide when he was seventeen.

As she reads the epitaph she begins to weep because his parents chose a stanza of one of her poems, her favorite in fact:

Andrew Montgomery
July 13, 1995- October 15, 2012

Rage, Rage little star
why can't I be the one so far?
Anything to get away
from this hell begging me to stay.

“Andrew, you always wanted to be among the stars, and now you got your wish. I love you still even though the others have forgotten you and everything you went through for us. God, everyone said you were the one going places, not me. Andrew, nothing is the same without you. Why did you even do it? I thought we always said that we had each other so that this type of thing wouldn't happen! Andrew! How could you?” As she screams through sad little sobs her love's ghost stands behind her with a look of torment in his eye.

He stands tall, facing the stone knowing what he must do, “Baby, I had to. They were going to take you instead. Everyone would have thought that you were the druggie, they would have hated you for things you didn't do. And then, Baby, then I would have died anyway because life isn't worth anything without you. Especially if I know that I could have stopped it in anyway.” He speaks calmly even though she'll never hear him and he knows that. “Babygirl, my sweet, sweet Babygirl, I love you. Please pick your head up for me.” Slowly, as he speaks he gets on his knees and wraps his safe arms around her. She feels something, though she doesn't know what, cold around her and shutters in her place.

With a sigh she mutters, “I know angels are always by my side. That's why I am still alive, but Andrew, oh Andrew... I love you.”

Right on cue, her alarm clock goes off and Savannah wakes up from her third terrible dream. Three nights in a row she had tasted the salt in her tears when she awoke. God, how could anyone live like that. On her way to the bus stop she runs into Andrew -alive- and hugs him with tears in her eyes. “What's wrong, Baby?” He asks as he pulls her tight and close. Though as he does so, he tripped into the road. An on coming car was going too fast and didn't have time to stop for them. It ran right over them. Neither felt any pain and both were instantly gone. At least she would cry no more tears and he had nothing left to fear.

It's such a shame that he knew the person driving that stupid red Nissan car that ran them over. And it's so sad to think that he was going to die that day anyway, just to save her life even if it did absolutely nothing other than postpone her own departure. I hope they are happy together wherever they may be. And I will forever remember them and send my poor enslaved heart their way. 

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