Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Manifestation is Magnificent

Someday you will find a way to love everyone who has ever hurt you. When that day comes I hope you understand I will not say I told you so even though I distinctly remember that I told you so.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Breaking Ledge

I held you up every time they tried to break you down. I loved you every time they had reason to hate you. I gave you everything I ever had when I needed it most. And even after all this time you cannot so much as even consider thanking me. As much as I need you, I cannot keep doing this. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Time Time Stopped

All the raindrops froze above us, and all the whispers turned to mere thoughts trapped in somebody's head. Every lyric ever sung and every note ever played all sounded at once. All the words people thought they had got stuck in dry throats, Absolutely everything stood still except us... I was in your arms and your mouth was part of mine.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Imaginary Friends

If you want I'll be the ghost haunting you and you can be the shadow following me.

That way neither of us ever have to be alone again. 

The First Page

Dear You,

You are moments away from reading that which has been promised to you as long as you have lived. Oh, believe me, I am sorry that it took so long to get this to you, but when you were a small child, it seemed as though you would not have the same use for this as you do now. However, today, everything will make perfect sense, I promise, and you will be delighted to see the series of prose, verse, lyrics, and failed attempts at rhyme that you have so easily been reduced to. Some pages will slam you to the ground and show you no mercy until it seems as though you have drowned in your own soulless tears and others will make you laugh so hard that you forget everywhere else you have ever been. And with this being said, I hope that you will enjoy your journey through one very important chapter of my life, your life, and society's history as a whole. Every single word was inspired by you, and I need you to remember that, this is all for you because you of all people were more than meant to read these words. It has been fortold in your stars long before you ever reached this body. And that is the precise reason that I love you as much as I do and so unconditionally. Believe me, if it were not for you, I never would have made it this far.

With all the love in the world,

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Mirror Agrees

It is when you forget who is watching that you are your most beautiful. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Pens Tearing through Paper

Never have I heard a sound I could not accurately describe - until I first listened to your voice after nine o'clock on the telephone as I sat under the stars pretending to lay in your arms one last time. Never was there a picture I could not recreate with words - until I saw your folder of amazing drawings. Never in my life has there been a moment I wanted to remember more - until that night we went to a concert and broke all the rules. And never would I have imagined that it could be so easy for someone to take away my pain or love me more than I have ever loved myself. I hope you can forgive me, but I will never be able to paint you out for the world well enough to do you any justice at all. I love you, babe. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Party was a Bad Idea

 They watch you walk in and give a small smile when you notice them. But when you are talking you can hear something different in their voice and their laugh becomes more stoic as the night goes on. Sometimes you watch them staring off at some invisible point in the distance and when they come back you notice something in their eyes is pleading:

Turn the music up louder than anyone ever has before. Say your goodbyes to me and take your hearts all back. Let this place be the last one this sad body of mine will ever conscientiously be seen.

Eventually they catch on to what you've noticed because your mouth is not listening to your mind. You are saying:

I love you. This isn't your end. Let's get our of here.

But they don't move, and neither do you

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Results May Very

It's only life, there's no point if you don't make your own decisions. Especially if no one's going to make it out alive anyway. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Only Thing I have Left

This is gonna hurt like hell, people buying, selling, and trading your bruised, battered, and shattered heart every time you turn around. Hold on, Babe, no one else ever warned you but these next four years, they're gonna be hell. But you, yes you, are gonna be okay. Just Hold on

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Weaved Mystery

Maybe it's the way your hair covers your eyes when you talk to other people. And maybe its the way your voice goes cold if you haven't talked to me. I honestly don't know what you ever saw or possibly could see, but I hope you know you caught my eye and unlocked my forgotten, bruised heart.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Expansion

You and I don't get along. Guess what though; it's okay because you're making me a better person. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Whole World Agrees

You know all the drops of rain falling right now somewhere ? All of those plus all the stars in existance equals how much I love you now and forever

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Candle Light Version of You

Maybe there was just a mood we weren't used to, like the first time we sat together under the stars. Maybe it was the way the flames licked the wood so gently as they danced across your silhouette. Maybe the song playing -it's my new favorite- is to blame for me getting to taste your lips without strangers' curious eyes pretending not to stare while they really took note of our every move and called us crazy. Whatever it was nothing will make me forget the time I was in your arms and you were part 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Things You Hear

When you are lying in bed at night and you are listening to rain pound down on your roof or wind crashing into your window, I hope you know it is just the angels telling you stories of their past and demons playing guitar solos gone unplayed for too long. And each of them is begging you to give them a fresh start - to bring them back to life even if it is just in your mind for a brief moment.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Ghosts Taught School Too

You were gone, they said you died away. But you still taught me one of the most important lessons I could ever learn. You are the one who taught me what it's like to be alone, what it's like to feel sick or hurt, and why love is so important. And now that I think about it, I learned my lesson in your absence...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Waves Want You

Should you ever want to sell yourself to Death you might have the best luck in the dead of night beneath the moon. Fish will long to feed on you and the ocean will thrive off your blood, No one will make fun of you for pleasing your inner being and returning to the greatest purity of all, however all of us will miss you and some will even follow. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Wishing Well Ran Dry

If you have the chance to go back to the river's edge I hope you hold your head up high as you look to the sky. Take a deep breath and jump in, don't worry, let the water in. Let the water take you as far as it can. You spent all your coins going down the street, dropping them in hats so hungry people could once again eat. All your wishes are gone, used up pursuing lies. So go on down to the river's edge, go on home then just let the water take your empty body anywhere it wants to go.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Reason For Pictures

Some people call them memories of times they never thought they would remember. A few have them stored in a box at the back of their closet to prove that they were in fact here and that they did in fact live. I want them so someday when I am older I can be sure it wasn't just a dream. (I really hope you don't mind)

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Foot Prints in the Sand

When you go back to look at your life I hope you can even remember some of the simple passers by as you went on through the series of days. I hope you'll be able to remember me even though a the influences I left have been washed away long before that day you'll next think of me. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Swordsmen Laugh

Every movie you have ever seen, every book you have ever read for English class, every word I have ever said to you - it was all to train you for the biggest battle of your life. I hope you will forgive us, because one day you will be fighting me.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Rain Coming Down

I wish you were with me and we were in the storm listening to the other peoples stories and feeling the perfection swirling around us, I promise you no tragedy will befall you, but it would be beautiful. In case you  didn't know rain makes me think if us because we are both falling for each other and we can't stop it.