Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Poem

The Poem is this:

Crimson spread around the room
a bullet to her sweet, pure heart
un-jaded yet ripped to pieces, torn apart
maybe someone would come to
her rescue eventually, if not soon.

There he went running by
and sees the ebony scene
somebody was far too cruley mean
to the love of his life
and all he knew to do was cry.

She layed in his arms,
now painted that deep red
from all the regrets that they bled
though nothing will ever change
everyone sees these storms.

As he cries she pleads,
"Kiss it all better, save me now,
save my story, don't ask how.
But kiss it all better,"
So he does the deeds.

He watches as her eyes close,
forever the last time
and he screams, "SHE'S MINE!
I'll avenge my lover tonight!"
he took a gun and his path he chose.

Now he sits in a cell
dreaming of her,
he's ruined his life for sure,
she has his heart
but so much more to tell.

As he falls fast asleep
he hears her final cries
and claims he wants to die
all he wants to do is scream
though he won't make a peep.

"Kiss it all better, save me,
be my hero, take it all
away. Catch me as I fall,"
She says as she fades
and his mind is set free

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