Friday, June 29, 2012

The Message

You say you have to go away for a little bit, I hope you have fun. I hope you will be alright. Also I hope you know that I love you more than anyone else in the world. Please come back safely. <3

The Doubles

There are two of me and two of you, but that doesn't mean that we will end up together twice. Hell it doesn't even mean we will end up together once. But if we do, than please know that no one will ever make a better you than you. And no one will ever mean even half as much as you mean to me...

The Better Change

If you want to be happy then do me a favor. Go to Youtube and look up Abraham Hicks. Listen about the vortex, and tell me it doesn't change your life for the better. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Substanceless

It's just too bad I can't tell you the things I've tried so hard to tell you in the past. 

The Acceptance

Maybe all is not well today, but things will get better soon. Prince charming might never come, but my true love will. He doesnt have to be a prince at all even, just someone  I love. And that person will come and find a new place for me. Pathetic rumors might be spread, but I don't care as long as you, my best friend understand that they really are rumors and nothing more. I may not be the prettiest girl, or have the biggest boobs, but I know someday someone will over look that stupid exterior. I may,not be perfect to them, but i am petfect to me, and im perfect to someone.

 It may be storming, but at least its pretty. I guess today isn't all that bad, and I do have you around... in my heart

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Things You Don't Know

You say that you care
and that its me you love
but still haven't heard me...

You are the one that
has my heart,
keeps me around,
and lets me be myself.

Every day you say
That I mean the world
to you...

Only to me you don't
mean the world -
you are my world,
of this I'm sure.

I think there are
some things you
should know.

You are more than I
ever could have hopped for,
you are more perfect than
even the night time sky.

Also you are the
most amazing person
I have ever met.

I wish I may,
I wish I might,
I wish that you
were with me tonight.

Please know I'm sorry
that you doubt me and
that I'm who you thought.

The Author's Problems

I have so many stories that I would love to tell, but no one will listen. And yet there are so many more that I have yet to write. Someday, can we write some together?

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Only Truth Now

Mason, I know what I say may not mean anything to you but I just hope you know; 
That I love you with all of my heart. 
That you mean more to me than anyone or anything else.
That you being in my life has made me the happiest girl alive. 
That I cant lose you, hopefully I wont. 
That I love you more than words can say. 
That I never mean to upset you or make you sad/mad.
That you have my heart. 
That I want to be with you more than you could ever know. 
That I miss you. 
That I wish you were only ever happy.
And that if I could I would be kissing you, right now

Madison R. K. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Fire

Don't tell me that I don't matter. Don't treat me like I'm not real. And don't you dare mess with me, because I know that everything you say and do is wrong, its useless as are you if this is how act around people. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Wish

If I could be granted any one wish in the entire world it would be for you to be here with me. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

The News

Yesterday I actually watched the news and it said that more and more people were asking less questions about things. Immediately I decided that if you are no longer asking questions than you have become a true fool. A few minutes later I wondered if you were one of those fools too, so are you? 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The I'm Sorry

I'm sorry that all I do is fight you. I'm sorry I seem ungrateful for the things you try to do to. I'm sorry I never seem happy. I'm sorry okay, really, really, sorry. I'm sorry that I love you. I'm sorry that you think you love me. I'm sorry for everything okay. I'm sorry. But I'm sorry that sorry never does quite cut it.

I love you...
I miss you...
I... I... think that I love you...


The Vacation

I'm sorry, my mind needed a vacation to clear itself of the clutter inside. I think its better that I didnt try to write the past few days, I haven't really been able to speak my heart as normal. But I am back now and will bring joy back soon. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Facts

Someday you're gonna be mine. Someday I'm gonna be yours. Someday we're  both gonna be happy. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Reasons

You say all the right things for all the wrong reasons. Would you please stop before one of us ends up broken

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Complaints

You keep telling me you don't like the way that I do things or the way I live my life. But I keep telling you I don't care, because I'm not here to please you, so when are you gonna stop complaining about me and just live your own damn life already?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Letter of the Day

Dear Fun,

Today I will be looking for you. Please let me bump into you again. I promise this time I won't push you away and I won't let you go. I would like the two of us to finally be happy together, can't you please let us? Well, I've got to go, because I am going to find you and make things up once and for all. I love you. I miss you. I truly do need you,


Monday, June 11, 2012

The Two of Everything

You keep telling me that you love me, you keep telling me that you want me to be happy, and you keep telling me that someday when people wouldn't be so shocked that you want me to be yours. But if any of that was true then why are you telling her the first two things and making her yours as we speak? 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Reminder

Dear You,

I don't know how much of this living documentary you have read and I don't know if it matters, but I was just hopping that you would understand these words are the words of my heart. Expelling sadness and pain from my life hopefully helping me permanitly prevent them someday. But for right now, I would like you to know that you are not alone and no matter what you may be going through at the moment I know what its like. If you put your hand to the screen and believed enough you would feel something.Would you like to know what that is that you are feeling? It's my heart and it is there to remind you that you will never be alone and should you ever need me, I am not very far away.

I love you

I miss you

I wish you well


Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Last Question

You are a part of me and I am a part of you, but the question is where are we now?

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Fiery Soul

There's a fire burning bright inside of you, what will it take for you to let it show through? Because the day that you let it shine that brightly is the day that you will discover that you truly can be the happiest person alive. Let it burn. Smile. Be happy. You are wonderful. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Memories of One Friday in March

Do you remember the day you walked home with me and we played basketball with Ash in the driveway? Do you remember the butterfly, I'm not going to say any more about that bit, but do you? Do you remember that you picked me up and kissed me for the first time ever, with Ash watching then told me that you loved me? Do you remember the secret I told you seconds after? Do you remember any of it? Because I do and it was the most amazing day I have lived yet, the only problem is I don't want to forget it. So in turn I can't forget you, no matter how hard I try. If that day meant anything to you, then don't I at least get a real goodbye? 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Need For Time

If you think that you love me now you should bite your  tongue and wait a while to see. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Ambush of Hope

I try to smile, I really do, but I just can't. I try to build myself back up but they tear me back down without warning. What am I supposed to do?

Oh and last night, they set fire to everything I own, however my heart got the worst of it. I hope things are better for you, wherever you are. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Real Break up

Love, I tried. I did everything I could for you. Now you are letting them pull us apart, without a fight? Damn, I really don't know you. But I'm glad you're gone. I'm so done with all you idiots like you. Goodbye, have a magnificent life and a beautiful day. 

The Truly Happy

Smile. Laugh. Have fun. You can't live until you do. Take pictures with strangers or call somebody random and wish them a lovely day. Ooh ooh or you can go to the local coffee shop and pay for the person in front or behind you'd order. Making someone else's day makes your day too. That's why Happiness has two sets of doubles. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Delay

I know I haven't written here to you in a while. I'm so sorry, I was just caught up. I was busy and my internet was down. I'm sorry for the delay, but I'm here now. Can you forgive me, I mean you could do anything you want, but will you? Come on, you know I love you. You know I missed you every second I couldn't write. Thank you. I'm back for good, I promise.