Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Tired Excuses

Dear you, Dearest Friend, Dearest Love,

As the holidays quickly approaching  I am wondering how we still find time to see each other in the way that we do and so often. It amazes me that we are able to love despite our differences and our problems. I can hardly believe that any of this is real. But before I run away or ramble on some totally off topic I would like you to know I am going to get you something this year for Christmas just to thank you for being around so much and even just for being you.

Maybe this wont matter, but I think now would be the time to say I have known you for a year, and I think I have fallen in love with you. Well, no I havent known for a year, but thats how it seems. And I dont think I am in love, I know I am... that is so long as you dont let me continue falling with no intention to catch me. I'll see you again soon, I hope. And when I do I think I will be able to tell you something I find it is not suitable to write here, so long as you understand how important you are to me.

I have gifts to wrap, songs to sing, and much more to get ready before our next encounter, so I shall end this here. I love you with all of my heart and dont forget about me, please.

With love (obviously),

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