Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Dragon Scales

Everything you have ever believed in exists.

The only bad news is so does everything you refuse to believe.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Angels Have Arrived

Every wish you have made is busy being granted.

Every question you have asked is being answered as we speak.

Everyone you have ever loved is missing you and future loves are imaging you.

Everything you have ever wanted is trying to manifest.

All you need to do is take a deep breath



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Artistry

You hold a pencil in your hand
one ready for soft gray lines
before promising me anything;
though it is also more than capable
of engraving our entire life.

There is a sort of passion
in everything you do;
however it does fade away
sometimes slowly, preventing
mistakes too dark to erase.

As you drag that pencil across
the rough, pulpy paper again
I am coming up with the story to
tell on the same page when 
others dare to pretend that they 


Someday your work will be in
all the finest museums covering
ceilings in a million mausoleums
and yet that will not be the end.

Because one day they will know
your name the way I do. 
I just hope that you remember
I loved you before you were cool;
you are my brightest star 
and I would do anything for you.

When you finish this page
let me see it before moving on
I think I can inspire the next one
with lines showing the depth of you
and the contrast in me.

Someday we will be your 
most famous work of 


The Freedom of Night

If nothing else ever I need you to promise me that you wont ever be anything other than the true pure you I know now.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Short Little Phrase

Just in case you were wondering I heard you screaming when I fell, I saw you bleed when I got scratched up, and I know you wanted to give me your joy when I was broken by sorrow. But I need you to know that I took that fall, so you would only scream, bleed, and smile when the world tried to bring you down. I tool that fall only so you wouldn't have to later on. Because I am all out of midnight phone calls saying all those things we both wish I had said. I'm all out of words to whisper just behind your ear when we drift effortlessly off to sleep. And I am sorry to say this, but I've even run out of your favorite, those lovely rants that could go on and on about how important you are to me, who I am when we are together, and all those moods we had when I couldn't clearly tell which parts of us were you and which were me. And just in case you didn't know this yet, I only walked away because I knew that you could no longer freely stay. I hope that you remember that when you go back to your dream state of mind and hear me all those times when I promised, I swore, Forever and Always, and all those moments we were so wrapped up in each other that I promised I would not be the one to leave you. I did it because that's what made you happier than I ever knew how to.

Please don't forget to remember me and all the things we did for each other because that's exactly what it means to be in love.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Mirror Agrees

Only when you forget who is around that you are your very best and that I love you the most.

The Early Mornings

Hearing your voice before anything else is the best way for me to start a day. Thank you for each of your crazy stories and scenes. Thank you for letting me hear you again. I love you, so much. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Tattered Young Drawing

There's an angel in the lake
look how she swims so free
her wings so soft like rose petals
and her eyes so warm, so safe.
Find her somewhere in the lake
only she can set you free
and you will fly like windblown petals
only landing far when you are safe.

The Northern Lights

Can't we just be together again making absolutely nothing feel like the entire world. There's a fire in my heart I don't want us to let it fade because the embers mean nothing to me anymore. I know it doesn't matter if I say this or not, but I love you.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Netting

I can catch you, I can love you, I can make you smile, I can make you so happy. If only you would let me.

^ By C.A.W.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Light Behind my Eyes

You see things so much different than the rest of the world, but I see the same way you do. Maybe that's how friends later know they are meant to be lovers. And maybe that's why how those lovers know that they are meant to love.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Innocence The Freedom and the Lack Thereof

I touch all those things you used to touch so that I can feel me still thinking about you as you are, somewhere that Time cannot touch, thinking of me. And I still stare at the brilliant blue sky remembering all the pictures we took on that day we swore that the feeling we felt was love, because we swore up and down that the blue I saw was the exact same blue you saw. Then as time went on the sky began to fade and the tide began to rise, I guess it wasn't love after all, because effortlessly you let me drown. Really that was not love, it was not even lust, but merely...


Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Moment of Realiziation

As long you are having fun wherever you are with whoever you are with I have absolutely no reason to complain. Have a wonderful summer. I miss you. and I will see you again soon.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Almost Princess

So we did some research and it turns out that at one point or another you were every single great person on earth.  

The Phrase "I Love You"

Just in case you were wondering I heard you screaming when I fell, I saw you bleed when I got scratched up, and I know you wanted to give me your joy when I was broken by sorrow. But I need you to know that I took that fall, so you would only scream, bleed, and smile when the world tried to bring you down. I tool that fall only so you wouldn't have to later on. Because I am all out of midnight phone calls saying all those things we both wish I had said. I'm all out of words to whisper just behind your ear when we drift effortlessly off to sleep. And I am sorry to say this, but I've even run out of your favorite, those lovely rants that could go on and on about how important you are to me, who I am when we are together, and all those moods we had when I couldn't clearly tell which parts of us were you and which were me. And just in case you didn't know this yet, I only walked away because I knew that you could no longer freely stay. I hope that you remember that when you go back to your dream state of mind and hear me all those times when I promised, I swore, Forever and Always, and all those moments we were so wrapped up in each other that I promised I would not be the one to leave you. I did it because that's what made you happier than I ever knew how to.

Please don't forget to remember me and all the things we did for each other because that's exactly what it means to be in love.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Meeting Here

Nothing is stopping us. Not the people staring in disgust or the teachers looking past. There's no time, clock, or fear strong enough to change my mind. So if we kiss my heart will soar and my head will race then tears will fall because we ended the world without really ending it at all. Honestly, I vote we kiss – but don't be mad if I seem upset.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Pencil Scratching Paper

Never have I heard a sound I could not accurately describe – until I met you. Never was there a picture I could not repaint – until I saw what you do with your time. Never in my life has there been a moment I want to remember more – until I realized just how easy it is for you to take away my pan and love me more than I have ever loved myself. And I hope you can forgive me but will never be able to describe you well enough to do you any justice at all.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Pieces and Parts of Clouds

Hopes, dreams, love, that's all you need to be as pure and joyful as everyone swears they want you to be.

Don't worry.

I understand that it is not as easy as it sounds.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Book Filled With Lines

And no matter what patterns of ink these pages absorb it does not make anything any more or less important than it originally was. And as you eat my thoughts the way they used to I can't help but wonder if they taste any good or if they are far to sour. And every line I draw, every squiggle I etch down has a purpose and a meaning. Please just don't devour my soul as well.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Night Fades Away

Good morning, Sweetheart. I know you are still in bed, safely dreaming of all the wonderful things in your head. Like tea cup rhinos and monkeys wearing monkey suits, cause that's how your dreams chose to go. But when you are up and moving around, I want you to know I love you. Remember, you're the one always safe and sound. I miss you, and you know I do. Have a beautiful day, Love. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Ring is Too Small

The only thing that matters is that you tried your best to be okay even when the world around you wasn't. And for that I applaud you and I thank you.

The Present is Perfect

You are not the future you that is worrying about bills, money, and all those things I would like to help you with but am not sure I could. You are not supposed to be there yet and when you are there no one is supposed to be there yet and when you are there no one is supposed to upset you this much.

You are not the younger you that was forgotten on the playground day after day that learned to walk home and dodge the bear bottles as you moved around of empty rum containers that were twice your size. Even now you should not know people so wasted. A child should never have seen a place so dark.

However, you are here in this current moment with someone you claim yo love with every fiber of your being, thread of your soul, and splinter of your heart. They are me and I love you too, so please stop jumping through the blocks of time. Nothing will ever be more important than where you are now.  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Honest Rant:

Dear You (C.A.W.)

You will never understand this, and I understand that. You are amazing and I know you know that. You cannot even imagine what you mean to me and be anywhere close. I love you, and I need you to see that, without question, without hesitation, without doubt. I miss you, even when I am closer to you than I've ever been to anyone alive. There are so many things I don't know how to word, so many things you say that bring me to my knees and make me wonder what it was like to be truly alone before, so many things that show me that there is an entire world that existed for so long without me knowing you. Take me away. Stay with me. Either way I am fine, so long as you still see me as me, so long as you remain happy even satisfied. You are my world, my soul, my missing piece and I hope that you are alright with that being said. I have never felt more real, more content, or more amazed than the moments that I spend with you. Superman, I love you. I really do. 

The Insecurity


You are such a good actor,
I never would have guessed
that you of all people didn't
realize you were so blessed.

I didn't see how scared you are,
how weak they made you feel.
Love, I never thought of you
as someone waiting to heal.

I gave you everything I had
taught you all that I know.
Tore my heart apart for you
and you still think I'm gonna go?


You seem so strong and kind
with a soul so magnificent and pure.
Like nothing can touch you
but you're broken for sure.

I am a journal... people write
their secrets in blood on me.
They become my secrets and thoughts,
hoping this will set them free.

They are so much to bare though
every day they eat me away.
Babe, I love you, your worries are safe
but they'll kill me anyway.


You had so much potential
to be so much more than this.
Believe me, you still do too,
just wait Life has some bliss.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Quiet and the Stillness

Lately, I have had a bit too much time on my hands to think... to think about all the mistakes I've made. To think about all the things we want to happen. To think about everything anyone has ever thought of. And every time I do my thoughts lead me to you. I know you have a little extra time as well, where do your thoughts take you?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Softly Sleeping

Late at night when the stars refuse to shine and sleep cannot take you close your eyes and think of me. Next time you look I promise you I will be right there beside you, so long as that is still your wish. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Clouds in the Sky

Today we see the sun shining bright because we saw you. All the light seems to disappear when you do.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Dreamers Are Safe in Bed Still

They keep telling me that you will never see me the way that I see you. They keep saying that you will never give me the time of day to even learn my name. But they were also the same people that thought I was never going to be strong enough to build myself up again after the last one. So, if you have your eye on me, or you see me walking through the halls one day, why don't you at least say hey. There could be so much more between us than this far away invisible spark I feel. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Slight Pinch

It's easy. Just  close your eyes and think of everything that has ever made you happy. I would join you but the only thing on my lost would be you.