Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Miss You

I miss you. You said that you would come back, but you never told me when. You told me I was beautiful, but no one else thinks so. You said you would make everything all better and kiss all my pain away, but they pushed me down and ripped me apart. Why did you have to go away without a word, and where the hell did you go? I wanna come with you, even if the sun doesn't shine, even if they cut my heart out of my fucking chest, even if they kill me, I DON"T CARE! I miss you! I love you! I need you! Nothing is the same, nobody sees me the way you do, and I know that no one will ever love you half as much as I do. No one will ever know the true extent of your pain, they will laugh at your broken heart, and I will mend it, just like I did with your wings way back when. I will make you fly again. I will take all your hurt away, and I will whipe away all the dirt that they delt upon you. I will lift the world off of your shoulders, I will work so you don't have to, I will do anything you want, anything you need, and so much more that you can not even imagine a little girl doing. All because that's what you said you would do for me, even though you never did. I MISS YOU! When will you be coming home? When will I hear your voice again? When will I get to hide in one of your big daddy monkey style hugs? You are the closest thing to an older sibbling I have, and you need to come back to me... right now.

I miss you.

I need you.

I love you.

I am lost.



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