Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm Done

I hate you! I fucking detest you! I can't believe you or any of the shit you did to me. You went from I Love you, I love you so much and the mushy gushy scary poems to I hate you! Fuck off and a poem called Fuck you. How the hell does that work? *punch* it is not possible to go from so lovey dovey to screaming and yelling like that. *grabs knife* *grins evily* *stabs you in the heart in front of your fiance* You are the worst "man" alive, though you aren't a man at all, so you know what grow a pair or stay the fuck away from the rest of this pathetic planet. I am fed up with you and all your stupid shit. Goodbye. Go to hell. I'm done.

*written with a friends assistance

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