Saturday, March 10, 2012

The World's Grace

Listen to the thunder,
hear the steady beat of the drum.
Watch the lightning,
as it dances across the ebony sky.
Advise the warnings of the rain,
they are wise, much wiser than I.
See the trees sway,
in the cool, crisp breeze,
as though they were praying.

The flowers will thank you
for your kindness.
They can sense emotion
through the Earth's vibrations.
All the bugs will
soon come out to play,
for they love a moistened stage.

Little kids will splash
in the crystal muddy waters.
Moms and dads will fight
uselessly against the games.

I will be smiling,
maybe singing.
Rain helps me think,
it led to this piece.

When it's all over
the sun will shine yet again
inviting birds to chirp
and butterflies to cloud the skies.

And this is our fabulous world,
it's nice to know we haven't
destroyed everything that once was.

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